Calibrate Leader Confidence, Arrogance and Humility

2018-09-10T04:45:40+00:00August 9th, 2016|Categories: Insights|Tags: |

Calibrate Your View of Leader Confidence, Arrogance and Humility from Ryan Lahti This slide deck will help to gauge confidence, arrogance and humility related to your leaders. You can view the deck in full screen mode by clicking on the arrows in the bottom right corner. ----------- Ryan Lahti is the founder and managing principal [...]

Understand How to Get Accountability

2018-08-29T20:25:31+00:00July 7th, 2016|Categories: Insights|Tags: |

“I have tried to hold them accountable, but they still do not meet expectations.” Executives say this to me quite a bit regarding the people who work with them in their companies. As you might have guessed from this statement, accountability continues to be an area of deficiency in their organizations. More specifically, colleagues, direct [...]

Direct Reports: Colleagues or Competitors?

2018-09-10T04:57:58+00:00June 16th, 2016|Categories: Insights|Tags: |

As a leader, how do you view your direct reports? Do you see them as colleagues, or do you see them as competitors? Although you might assume that leaders view their direct reports as colleagues more than competitors, this is not necessarily the case. I have encountered seasoned executives as well as individuals just beginning [...]

Read the Cues for Better Meeting Impact

2018-09-12T05:20:35+00:00March 10th, 2016|Categories: Insights|Tags: |

“We have been talking for a while, Brent…what’s your recommendation!” exclaimed Adam, the president of the division. Prior to Adam’s outburst, Brent had been trying to present a way to increase the quality of a new product. Unfortunately, he failed to realize that he was not only losing Adam's attention but starting to irritate Adam [...]

Accountability Does Not Require An “AH” Approach

2018-09-13T04:34:29+00:00February 4th, 2016|Categories: Insights|Tags: |

As Jake sat in the meeting with the other members of the leadership team, it was apparent that they were not happy with the progress on the corporate initiative they had been discussing. This initiative kicked off a month ago with substantial time and money invested by the leadership team. Unfortunately, deadlines were not consistently [...]

Executive Role Transitions Are More than Onboarding

2018-09-13T04:39:07+00:00January 7th, 2016|Categories: Insights|Tags: |

With the beginning of a new year, this brings opportunities. Although New Year’s resolutions represent opportunities, I am referring to opportunities of the business variety and related transitions. These include executives taking new roles in their current organizations or entirely different companies. Making the decision to take one of these new roles requires careful consideration, but [...]

Make Executive Time Off an Actual Vacation

2018-09-13T04:40:43+00:00December 10th, 2015|Categories: Insights|Tags: |

If you are like many successful executives and business professionals, you have a strong drive to set and accomplish objectives which is one of the main reasons you are successful. This drive can make it very easy to stay a couple extra minutes to finish something at the office or even steal a few moments to [...]

Navigate Three Forms of Office Politics

2018-09-13T04:44:01+00:00November 5th, 2015|Categories: Insights|Tags: |

Office politics---these two words are often used with disdain when discussing the workplace. In fact, research over the last thirty years indicates that political behavior in the office is primarily perceived as negative by individuals and may evoke a sense of unfairness, deprivation and inequity. Political behavior has also been found to have a negative [...]

My Boss is a Piece of Work

2018-09-14T04:29:15+00:00October 8th, 2015|Categories: Insights|Tags: |

“My boss is very bright but puts me in awkward situations by saying things that are not true. I am hesitant to bring this up, because he has a short fuse and responds by belittling me,” David explained. If you have not had at least one difficult boss, consider yourself fortunate. Just don’t assume that [...]

Lead Employees through M&A Integrations

2018-09-14T04:42:19+00:00August 6th, 2015|Categories: Insights|Tags: |

Obtaining organizational growth and innovation through mergers and acquisitions (M&As) is still a common practice. According to the Institute of Mergers, Acquisitions and Alliances, there are 40,000 announced M&As worldwide in 2015 with a total value of approximately $4 trillion. While M&As have been around for a while, the success rate for them is still lacking. Research [...]

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